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CSA & Corporate & Community Partners

CSA Farm partnerships

“I loved all three of the classes Katherine conducted so far. The best way to describe her approach is that she provides guidance on using healthy and local ingredients while incorporating good, fresh flavor and the practical reality of the home cook’s pantry. Her approachability and good humor along with the tasty samples make the class fun. I’ve already made and enjoyed two of the dishes from her classes.”
M. Marcus

I work with a few select CSA farms in the Willamette Valley and Portland area (Sungold Farm, Sauvie Island Organics, and 47th Ave. Farm) for whom I create customized recipe packets for their members. I want to make the CSA model an enjoyable and practical experience for more people. By offering tips, recipes and simple and creative ways to use the produce I hope to eliminate any fear or guilt of not using all the produce (you’ll use it all and then some!) or the boredom of making stir-fries every night.

Corporate Wellness

I work with businesses and their employees to make healthy, delicious, home-cooked food a regular part of life. Simple tricks and a bit of confidence can turn into new habits that get you hooked on fresh, seasonal produce and the joy of cooking it.

Non-profits, Public Agencies & Community Partners

I work with a wide variety of organizations, teaching customized classes, developing recipes and curricula and doing presentations around simple everyday meals. Partners and clients currently include Head Start, Portland Farmers Market, Terwilliger Plaza, Clackamas County, and Growing Gardens.

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